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Upon arrival you will be asked to complete a patient history form, which will include pertinent information concerning your health, both medically and dentally.

In order to make an efficient analysis of your dental needs, a clinical examination and complete series of digital dental radiographic images will be needed. Full body shielding aprons and neck collars are always used.

Digital radiographic images use up to 80% less radiation then conventional X-ray film, and the images appear instantaneously on the computer screen. The radiographic images produce a better image than traditional X-rays and can be enlarged and enhanced for a more precise examination.

The clinical exam will include examination of your head and neck, facial and oral soft tissues, oral cancer screening, dental examination and periodontal examination, and digital clinical photographs. We may also obtain dental impressions and bite registrations to analyze and determine if there is a malocclusion (mis-alignment of your bite) present.

This information, in conjunction with the radiographs and photographs, will help us determine your current dental health.

If you had a recent full mouth series of X-rays taken (conventional or digital) within the last year, you may request copies of these records from your previous dentist.

From the clinical records we assembled at your first visit, a diagnosis of your dental needs will be determined and treatment options will be developed. These treatment recommendations and all options available will be explained at your second visit. We will also provide you with cost estimates for these treatment options.